29 September 2005


There have been many changes to http://www.mightyv.com/ over the last few days. Thanks to everyone who has helped test it and entered tags - tags are good!

So what's changed?

Big changes:

  • The daily view now defaults to just showing programs after 6pm, you can still view what's on earlier if you like

  • The recommendation system now looks at tags as well as BBC genres - yes it's slow at the moment

  • You can now not only select which channels you want, but also order how they are displayed

Smaller changes:

  • Finally have images for all channels - still need to clean them up at some point

  • We added a snippet of the description for each channel in lots of places

  • Tags can be added to a series on the series page as well as the program page

  • You can now delete tags you added

Ickle changes:

  • We added a smaller film icon so we could put it in more places

  • Many little changes!



27 September 2005


Hi there, I've been interested in TV schedules for a while: I've had a TiVo for years now (and so have my sister and parents) and have an EyeTV 400 hooked up to my Mac mini to record Freeview (digital terrestrial television). When the BBC announced their Backstage competition I considered it a great excuse to build what I've always wanted. So check out MighTyV and tell us what you think.

My favourite series is CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. I prefer the original series, although CSI: Miami and CSI: NY are good too...


MighTyV in Beta

MighTyV is now in Beta, this means we hope that no user information will have to be deleted - but we stilll can not guarantee it!

If you don't know what MighTyV is; check out the about page.

Please post comments to this blog of any issues you encounter and we'll do our best to fix them.
